Orthopedic Physical Assessment 7th Edition


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Orthopedic Physical Assessment 7th Edition

Build your skills in the assessment of musculoskeletal pathology! Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 7th Edition covers the principles of assessment for all of the body’s structures and joints, including topics such as gait, posture, the head and face, amputees, primary care, and sports emergencies. The Student Consult ebook version includes all of the photos and drawings from the print book plus additional functional assessment forms (e-tools), updated evidence-based reliability and validity tables, and hundreds of video clips demonstrating special tests on how to perform musculoskeletal assessment. Written by noted PT educators David J. Magee and Robert C. Manske, this reference uses a systematic, evidence-based approach to prepare you for success in clinicals, board exams, and in rehabilitation practice.

New to this edition

• NEW and UNIQUE! Enhanced eBook on Student Consult

• NEW! Updated information in all chapters includes new special tests, as well as photos, line drawings, boxes, tables, and references.

• NEW! Head and Face chapter features updated information on concussion management.

• NEW! Enhanced Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging section added to applicable chapters, along with new photos and diagnostic images.

• NEW! Updated psychometric tables for special tests list reliability, sensitivity, specificity, and + and – likelihood ratios when available.

• NEW! More case studies added that use real-life scenarios to help you develop assessment and diagnostic skills using information from the chapter.

• NEW! Additional functional assessment forms (e-tools) have been incorporated into the ebook on Student Consult.

• NEW! Video clips demonstrate special tests to give you a clearer understanding of how to perform musculoskeletal assessment.